
Timeline Of The Wwe Lex Luger Download UPDATED

Timeline Of The Wwe Lex Luger Download

Larry Pfohl always wanted to become a star. He ultimately accomplished—and even exceeded—that goal in pro wrestling as Lex Luger, a true icon of the business.

But he paid a price for fame.

Pfohl transformed into Luger, who will forever remain an integral slice of wrestling history thanks to his piece of work in the 1990s. His story is examined in depth in the newest installment of the WWE Icons docuseries, which debuts this weekend on Peacock. Directed by Kieran Bent, it is an outstanding 84-minute look at Luger's wrestling career, equally well equally a deep exploration of the failures in his personal life.

In the end the story is 1 of redemption. Luger has made enough of a recovery from his spinal stroke that he is able to alive independently—and he is helping others through recovery coaching for substance abuse. Yet the sight of him in a wheelchair, inappreciably recognizable from his days equally an imposing physical presence in the ring, is humbling, equally is the heartbreak when he touches on the devastation of not having a human relationship with his children.

"If I could go back in fourth dimension I would have done things differently with my family," Luger says. "I would have been a amend husband, a better father. I wasn't there back then, and my family suffered the consequences. It has ramifications until today, and I understand that."

Luger'due south story highlights the plight of the pro wrestler. He possessed one of the most impressive physiques in the history of the industry, but his outward advent obscured his internal struggles.

During the course of his career, Luger did everything possible to live up to his moniker as The Total Package. He came to wrestling subsequently an upward-and-downward career in football that was full of promise but never quite realized its potential. At that place were stretches of his wrestling tenure where that pattern reappeared, especially during his run as apparent heir to Hulk Hogan in WWE.

"There will never, ever exist anything but one original Hulk Hogan," Luger says. "I was merely trying to be the best Lex Luger I could be with my grapheme. I never idea or would want to attempt to fill up the shoes of Hulk Hogan. He was a phenomenon that was above and beyond almost anything the wrestling industry has ever seen.

"Looking back in time now, I really look at the highlights of information technology. I had the opportunity to slam Yokozuna on the USS Intrepid. That was a astounding moment in my career, definitely one of the highlights. The [Lex Express] tour was exhilarating and exhausting all at the same time. I was in the primary outcome of SummerSlam, and that was a large bargain. I look at that as a big role of my career. I did the story line to the best of my power, and did my very best to fulfill my role in the story. I did the best I was capable of at the time; I can definitely tell you that."

WWE's Lex Luger greets fans

​Despite the lapses in judgment and professional stretches that never quite reached their height, there is a reason that Luger'south career has stood the test of time. He was a certifiable, genuine wrestling star. Luger had that same muscular frame, but he could also cut a sharp promo when needed. He had the congenital-in relationship with Sting that dated back to the 1980s in Jim Crockett Promotions, which added even farther legitimacy to his late '90s run in WCW. In that location was his run in the Four Horsemen, the Great American Bash world championship win in '91 against Barry Windham afterwards Ric Flair had departed WCW with the large golden belt, the memorable Royal Rumble finish with Bret Hart, and, of course, the Fourth of July slam of Yokozuna on the Intrepid. An action figure come to life, Luger's finisher was the iconic Torture Rack, a move that screamed excitement and physicality.

Luger belongs in the WWE Hall of Fame for his contributions inside and out of the walls of Vince McMahon's company. (His return to WCW during the get-go Nitro is an all-time wrestling moment, and it set the tone for Eric Bischoff's upstart show.) And, in one of those "only in pro wrestling" moments, Luger as well achieved his greatest feat—defeating "Hollywood" Hogan on Nitro to win the WCW title—at the same venue, the Palace of Auburn Hills, where he failed to do so against Yokozuna at WWE's SummerSlam 4 years prior, in what appeared to be ready as his crowning moment.

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"It was an award to become champion," Luger says. "Winning the title live on Nitro against Blob Hogan is another huge moment I wait fondly dorsum upon. Believe it or not I didn't connect the dots to it happening in the same building—that's something I was reminded well-nigh during the filming of this Icons. I didn't actually put together the irony of that."

​The Icons production team delivered another first-rate performance with this episode. The footage of Luger's wrestling debut, with added commentary about how he devised his ring proper noun (drawing Luger from the proper name of the German firearm Tom Selleck used as the star of Magnum, P.I., and Lex as a play on comic book villain Lex Luther—was another highlight of the documentary. Conspicuous past their absence throughout the many interviews were McMahon and Hogan, though the insight from Bret Hart, Sting, Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, Eric Bischoff, Bruce Prichard and Jim Cornette (loyal listeners to Something to Wrestle with Bruce Prichard volition specially savor his "plate full of piss" line) all enhanced the story.

​Until finding solace in his religion, Luger'south postwrestling career was a disaster. Icons examines his nearly fatal usage of alcohol and pills, his litany of arrests and the tragic nighttime that the legendary Liz "Miss Elizabeth" Huelette died in the home they shared as a outcome of acute toxicity acquired by mixing pills and alcohol. That decease was ruled an accident, though Luger was arrested on drug charges unrelated to her death.

The Icons episode includes a piece of the recording from the 911 call Luger made when he found Huelette unresponsive, which is an extremely difficult sound bite to assimilate.

​"She definitely was, is, and will always be The Showtime Lady of Wrestling," Luger says. "She really treasured that nickname and the level of success she had in wrestling. She loved her fans. What a tragedy. In my life now, I do recovery coaching with substance corruption and the consequences of the decisions we brand. Many times there is collateral impairment on the people you lot beloved and the ones close to yous. The decisions I was making back then and there, and the decisions she fabricated, too, information technology was a tragic loss. Merely she loved wrestling fans, she loved wrestling and I'll only go out it at that."

​In that location are some uplifting moments in the Icons telling of Luger'due south story, peculiarly his friendship with Steve Baskin. Luger had been contemplating suicide when he met Baskin, the former Cobb County Jail chaplain who helped him notice faith. Though many larger-than-life personalities appear on-screen during this documentary, Baskin is an outlier with his quiet actuality and genuine want to help.

"With Pastor Steve's assist, I know now God never gives up on any of us," Luger says. "I met Steve while in jail in Cobb County, and he never gave upward on me. We just had luncheon the other day. Nosotros're like brothers. He'south an incredible friend, and an incredible person God placed in my life that I treasure."

Luger's Shakespearean tale has its share of triumph and tragedy. His Icons doc ends with his discussing finding a peace within himself. Ultimately, he hopes his story tin can be viewed in its entirety.

"If nosotros're still here, God has a purpose and a plan for the states," Luger says. "From my perspective, happiness is never going to come from coin or career success. For me, it was only when I realized there is something much bigger than all of us, and that'due south the good Lord. When I found Jesus, I knew that was the missing piece in my life. That'southward when the transformation of my life began, and I am so thankful for what God has washed for my life.

"Information technology's a phenomenon I am still here. I try to utilise my mistakes as a lesson for others. No affair how dark or hopeless it seems, there is always hope."

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Justin Barrasso can be reached at . Follow him on Twitter @ JustinBarrasso .


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